Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Lord of the rings

These days i have been listening to the LOR audio book...again. When i first saw "The Fellowship of the Ring" movie, i thought it was just a visual treat and did not pay much attention to the story line. The Tow Towers also failed to ignite interest as i never heard the story before. But "The return of the King" changed it all. It evoked deep interest in me, made me see it time and again, thanks to the free movie downloads we get on the Internet. Then i started searching for the details of the author of the novel and found out that there are few other novels with the same backdrop. I happened to read "The Hobbit" then, which essentially is a prequel to the LOR movies.
One thing that wonders me about the author is the amount of detail with which he explains the story. He created whole new world, he defined the geography, he carried the story through different ages with innumerable characters, he created a fictitious language (elvish tongue), he wrote poems and did every thing humanely possible. I aint a much reader so i dont know where it stands in the literature world. But when it comes to the movie, Peter Jackson did justice for the story with his exquisite takes and it is one of the greatest movie made till date and it will always be one of my favorite movies.


Unknown said...

I can completly understand how much you like this movie and made you to start a new blog! that itself explains your interest in it. good luck and keep writing!

Prasanth said...
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