We often burn Audio CDs onto the system and then copy them to MP3 player or Phone. When we do this the file name comes properly as what want but the title doesn't. But Title is what the MP3 player/Phone shows us to identify the track. I ran into this problem and googled a bit to see if there is a solution available on Internet. Then i found this.
This is a sweet little program (free of course) which help you change the fields of Mp3 tracks in a batch in the way you want. In my case i want the File name to be copied as Title and it did exactly the same. Though it took a while to do it, thats way better than manually changing Title for each Mp3 i have.
Hope this is useful for someone.
I really thought I was going to have to change all the titles manually, would have been a nightmare.
Extremely useful program and many thanks for posting the link here
YES. THANK GOD. i've been searching for this for so long. aksjdfsdfm thank you (♥ó㉨ò)ノ♡
thank you so much for this info, i was so desperately looking for a program to rename the titles of many mp3's at the same time, to copy the filename to the title. This is exactly what i needed, thank you!
i got a mac, and im new to macs. i confused and i don't even know how to change the title manually. some help would be appreciated :)
you have to be a programer to use mp3tag for batch changes. and the programers refuse to share
To batch rename files:
Use the Change Directory button to select the directory containing your mp3s.
Click the Tag - Tag button on the toolbar.
Select TITLE for the field.
Select %filename% for the format string.
Click OK.
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